Note: It's important to soak the cashews in water for 12 hours before using them in this recipe.
1. In a mixing bowl, stir together melted coconut oil, nut butter, apple sauce, and flax eggs. To make one flax egg, mix 1 Tbsp flax seed meal with 1 Tbsp water.
2. Add the rest of the brownie ingredients and mix well, stirring in the chopped chocolate at the end.
3. Pour the batter into a 9x9 inch baking pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350°F for 35 minutes and allow to cool completely.
4. Prepare the mint layer by mixing all of the ingredients in a blender until you have a smooth cream. Adjust the mint according to taste.
5. Pour onto the brownie and put everything in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm.
6. Put the glaze ingredients in a bowl and place over a pot of simmering water without allowing the bowl to touch the water. Stir until you have a smooth glaze. Alternatively, microwave in 30 second intervals.
7. Pour the glaze onto the mint layer and psread carefully. Refrigerate for 2 hours before servinge. For picturesque results, make quick cuts with a long, sharp knife, wiping between cuts.